Center of Focus
January 21, 2024 Focus on the Fabulous Friday, staff took part in a professional development day coordinated by Kevin Hagan and Ashley...
Carrie Zimmerman, Superintendent of Schools
January 21, 2024 Focus on the Fabulous Friday, staff took part in a professional development day coordinated by Kevin Hagan and Ashley...
15 de enero de 2024 Enfoque en lo Fabuloso ¡Tuvimos una gran primera semana de regreso a la escuela con los estudiantes y un gran...
January 15, 2024 Focus on the Fabulous We had a great first week back at school with students and a great start to the New Year! We are...
December 23, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous Festivities The last week of the quarter was filled with a plethora of fabulous festivities, and...
18 de diciembre de 2023 Enfoque en lo fabuloso Una vez más las familias del Centro fueron agasajadas con un fabuloso concierto de...
December 18, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous Once again Center families were entertained with a fabulous winter concert. Monday night the...
10 de diciembre de 2023 Enfoque en lo fabuloso La escuela primaria Haskin volvió a deleitar al público con su festivo Concierto de...
December 10, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous Haskin Elementary once again delighted the audience with their festive Winter Concert. The kids...
December 3, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous Kimberly Muro was selected as this year’s Center High School representative for the Spud Bowl...
November 17, 2023- Focus on the Fabulous Students in Mrs. Quintana’s second-grade class were gearing up for Thanksgiving dinner with...
12 de noviembre de 2023 Enfoque en lo fabuloso ¡Nuestro gimnasio principal es oficialmente la Casa de Azul! ¡Este fin de semana Teddy...
November 12, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous Our main gym is officially the House of Blue! This weekend Teddy Garcia and Ascencion Najera...
6 de noviembre de 2023 Enfoque en el Fa- BOO - lis Hubo mucha diversión de Día de brujas en los pasillos de las escuelas de Centro la...
November 6, 2023 Focus on the Fa- BOO - lous There was a lot of Halloween fun to be had in the halls of Center schools last week. From...
29 de octubre de 2023 Enfoque en lo fabuloso La semana pasada fue una semana difícil para nuestro distrito y la familia Viking al...
October 29, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous Last week was a challenging week for our district and Viking Family as we said goodbye to our...
22 de octubre de 2023 Enfoque en lo fabuloso Parece mentira que estemos empezando el segundo trimestre del curso escolar. Tuvimos un...
October 22, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous It’s hard to believe that we are starting our 2nd quarter of the school year. We had a successful...
8 de octubre de 2023 Enfoque en lo Fabuloso Han pasado tantas cosas en el Centro que esta semana tenemos dos Enfoques del Centro. Un GRAN...
October 8, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous There’s been so much going on in Center that we have two Center of Focuses this week! A HUGE shout...