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Superintendent's Corner:
Center of Focus

Carrie Zimmerman, Superintendent of Schools

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Centro de enfoque

15 de septiembre de 2024 Centrados en lo fabuloso Esta semana comienza el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, que se celebra anualmente del 15 de...

Center of Focus

September 15, 2024   Focus on the Fabulous This week marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated annually from September 15th...

Center of Focus

May 26, 2024 Focus on the Fabulous The last week of school kept everyone busy with all of the different celebrations and events.  On...

Center of Focus- Round 2

March 4, 2024 Focus on the Fabulous Mrs. Dianna Valenzuela, our amazing Food Services Director, is recognizing a member of her team each...

Center of Focus

February 11, 2024 Focus on the Fabulous Winter Fest was a ton of fun!  Thanks to Miss Hays and the Student Council for putting together a...

Centro de enfoque

8 de octubre de 2023 Enfoque en lo Fabuloso Han pasado tantas cosas en el Centro que esta semana tenemos dos Enfoques del Centro. Un GRAN...

Center of Focus Homecoming Week Part 2

October 8, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous There’s been so much going on in Center that we have two Center of Focuses this week! A HUGE shout...

Centro de enfoque

11 de septiembre de 2023 Enfoque en lo fabuloso ¡Tenemos algunos estudiantes fabulosos para enfocar! Los estudiantes de cuarto grado de...

Center of Focus

September 11, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous We have some pretty fabulous students to focus on! Fourth-grade students in Mrs. Pepper's and...

Center of Focus

January 29, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous Per usual, there are a lot of amazing things going on in the district. It really is challenging...

Center of Focus

January 9, 2023 Focus on the Fabulous It’s a New Year! Happy 2023! We are getting ready to start the second half of the school year...

Centro de atención

19 de diciembre de 2022 Enfoque en lo Fabuloso Los escuelas del Centro celebraron las vacaciones de Navidad con dos actuaciones...

Center of Focus

December 19, 2022 Focus on the Fabulous Center schools celebrated the Christmas holiday with two in-person performances last week. These...

Centro de Atención

25 de enero de 2022 Enfoque en lo Fabuloso ¡Nuestros atletas de Center Viking tuvieron una semana estelar la semana pasada! Ambos...

Center of Focus

January 25, 2022 Focus on the Fabulous Our Center Viking athletes had a stellar week last week! Both the boys' and girls' basketball...

Center of Focus

Focus on the Fabulous - January 7, 2022 2021 is in the rearview mirror and I know some people are happy to see it behind us. Even though...

Center of Focus

November 8, 2021 Focus on our Fabulous Students Our Very Own Spud Bowl Queen- Priscilla Zapata The Spud Bowl tradition began in 1946 when...

Center of Focus

Focus on the Fabulous Things Going On It’s hard to keep up with so many things going on in our district. Friday, September 10th, was our...

Center of Focus-Focus on the Fabulous

We are heading into our last two weeks of school and what a year it has been. Looking back, I feel that we have accomplished quite a bit,...

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