October 8, 2023
Focus on the Fabulous
There’s been so much going on in Center that we have two Center of Focuses this week!

A HUGE shout out to Hanna Hays who, once again, orchestrated a fabulous Homecoming Week with her Student Council team… and she does it all with a smile on her face. Miss Hays puts a lot of time and energy into making this a fun week for all involved. She plans the dress-up days with her StuCo, plans and attends all the competitions, organizes the Pep Assembly, coordinates the Homecoming Royalty festivities, decorates and chaperones the dance, and makes sure all the other details get taken care of throughout the week. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our students, Miss Hays! You are a true blue Viking!


We had a great time at the Homecoming Tailgate! The weather was beautiful and Viking Pride was in full effect! It takes a lot of character, determination, and strength to show up when faced with challenges and our Viking teams are doing just that. We are impressed with how athletes, coaches, and fans are handling themselves when faced with adversity. These are great life lessons for all of us. Things don’t always go the way we want them to, but our ability to not give up, keep working hard, and not lower our standards is what being a Viking is all about. The definition of strength includes the capacity for endurance, solidarity, toughness, and the ability to withstand pressure. We are demonstrating Viking Strength and We are #VikingStrong!

The Homecoming Dance was a fun night for all! It was so great to see our kids dressed to the nines and showing their moves on the dance floor! We really have the best kids around!
Congratulations to our Middle School Volleyball teams that took 1st place and 4th place in the end-of-year tournaments! The B-team, that took 1st, had an undefeated season! Way to go Vikings!

Fast Forward
Upcoming dates to get on calendars
Monday, Oct. 9th- Career Connected Learning Meeting, Safety Team Meeting, College Fair for Juniors and Seniors
Tuesday, Oct. 10th-District Ownership Team Meeting- review UIP, BOE Meeting
Wednesday, Oct. 11th- Superintendent Advisory Council, Joint IOG Meeting, SLV Partners Meeting, State Board of Education Visit
Thursday, Oct. 12th – CHS V-ball vs. Trinidad
Friday, Oct. 13th – Staff PD Day, X-Country Eric Wolf Meet, CHS Football @ Del Norte
Saturday, Oct. 14th- CHS V-ball @ Monte Vista
Tuesday, Oct. 17th- State Task Force Meeting, R & R Meeting
Wednesday, Oct. 18th- District Ownership Team Meeting
Thursday, Oct. 19th- End of 1st Quarter, CHS V-ball @ Creede
Friday, Oct. 20th- X-Country Regionals, CHS V-ball vs. Antonito, CHS Football vs. Monte Vista
Saturday, Oct. 21st- CHS V-ball @ SDC