November 8, 2021
Focus on our Fabulous Students
Our Very Own Spud Bowl Queen- Priscilla Zapata

The Spud Bowl tradition began in 1946 when the potato farmers in the Valley were asked to contribute sacks of spuds to Adams State University, which, in turn, were converted into cash to supplement the athletic program. The tradition and spirit have continued, and Spud Bowl remains a highlight of each football season.
Each year, San Luis Valley high schools are asked to nominate a senior candidate for Spud Bowl. The candidates are interviewed during the morning by a panel of judges, and the winner is selected and announced at halftime of the football game. The Colorado Potato Administrative Committee and Adams State University Foundation award scholarships to attend Adams State consisting of $1,000 to each contestant and $2,000 to the Spud Bowl Queen. Every district nominates a candidate to represent their school, and this year Center selected Priscilla Zapata. This obviously was an excellent selection as she was chosen as the 2021 Grizzly Spud Bowl Queen. Congratulations Priscilla! We are proud of you!

We have more of our fabulous students to report on! One of our former students had the opportunity to present the colors at the Denver Broncos football game. Angel Villagomez, who is currently serving our country in the Marine Corps, had the honor of carrying out the color guide responsibilities during the National Anthem of the Broncos and Cowboys game. Angel is married to Miriah, who is also a Center graduate and a dental assistant. They live together, with their two dogs, in Fort Worth Texas. Angel has reenlisted for another four years of service. We are proud of our former Center Vikings and all they are accomplishing! #VikingStrong

The District Leadership Team (DLT) meets on the first Wednesday of each month. The team charge is to focus the DLT's work on the continuous improvement of student achievement for every district student by planning and overseeing the implementation of the District Action Plan (DAP), which is driven by the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP). Our DAP is focusing on five specific improvement strategies: 1) Curriculum and Instruction, 2) Post-Secondary and Workforce Readiness, 3) Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, 4) Recruitment and Retention, and 5) Team Commitment. Each improvement strategy has a team attached to it to focus on that work. The UIP was officially submitted to the state for review in October.
Election Update
We had two board seats that were up for election, District A and District B. G. Lyn Bogle, the current Board president, retained his seat on the Board for another four years. Misty Palacios is the current Vice President, and she will also be returning for another four years. Kim Duran, Lloyd Garcia, and Enrique Aguilar are the other three Board members. Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month with the next meeting taking place on November 10th @ 6:00 pm in the Community Room. Board meetings are open to the public. We are still following social distance protocols, but guests are welcome in person or virtually. There will be a special Organizational Meeting scheduled within 15 days after receiving the official abstract of votes, the school board will hold an officer election and reorganization meeting.
Professional Development

On Friday, November 5th, our staff took part in a PD day coordinated by our Director of Instruction, Stephanie Hensley. In the morning, staff attended training on MTSS and Bully Prevention. The Center team then had the chance to take part in a community walk, organized by Joe Martinez and Tim Sanchez. The two Center locals put together a fun activity that had staff break up in teams and then locate six interesting places around the community. This was a great activity that got everybody up and moving and also allowed us to learn more about our community. That afternoon, the district treated the staff to some R & R at the Hooper pool. It was a great way to end the week.

Forward Focus
Monday will begin the district device inspection process. I will be taking part in several meetings involving special education, family community partnerships, and staff. I will also be preparing for the BOE meeting and working on some R & R items. Tuesday is full with the Superintendents Advisory Council, District Accountability, and BOE meeting. The rest of the week will include Rural Alliance Advocacy, the Weekly Superintendent Meeting, Improvement Strategy planning, and district document organization and storage.
Thursday, November 18th will be an ICAP early release day for students. Staff will participate in professional learning communities in the afternoon. The following week, staff and students will have off for Thanksgiving Break!