Focus on the Fabulous
We are well into our first month of remote learning and everybody, students and staff, are working hard. Even though our physical doors are closed, the Center school district is open for business, and learning and quality instruction continues on a daily basis. The Viking spirit is going strong!
We completed our fourth weekly grab and go on Monday, April 20th. Elementary staff was on hand to distribute new learning packets and to collect work that elementary students had completed. Our cafeteria staff once again put weekly meals together and we provided food for over 500 students.
All Hands on Deck
When it comes to recognizing who truly runs the show and is steering the ship, we all know that it is our fabulous ladies in the front office. Wednesday, April 22nd, is Administrative Assistants’ Day. This term really does not suffice in acknowledging the role that these ladies play in helping our district to be run successfully. A huge Viking shout out to JJ Beiriger, Alondra Maldonado, Rosa Ramos, Debra Lujan, Brenda Montoya, and Agnes Salazar.
These ladies truly are the glue that holds everything together. We appreciate their dedication to our students, the support they provide to our staff, and their ongoing efforts to make sure everything gets taken care of. Over the course of the school year, you will see each of these ladies pitching in and helping to make sure the district is run efficiently, in a variety of different ways. It’s impossible to acknowledge everything they do, because the list is never ending. Thank you ladies for all you do for our district. You are FABULOUS!!!
A Viking Farewell
It’s not surprising that other districts are interested in members of our fabulous team. It is with mixed emotions that we will wish our own Andy Hawkins farewell as he moves on to his next challenge, of being the new middle school principal in Monte Vista. Andy has been a Center Viking for the last twelve years. He started out as an elementary principal and for the last several years he has done an amazing job as the Haskin Elementary Asst. Principal. Andy has been an integral part of the elementary program and has helped to establish a culture of learning in the building. Andy has worn several hats in the district including GT coordinator, Christmas Crooner, Master of Ceremonies at the Christmas party, PBIS lead at elementary, instructional leader, disciplinarian, Google guru, and overall good guy. It has been a pleasure to have Mr. Hawkins as part of the Center family and he will definitely be missed. However, we are excited for this next challenge and have no doubt that he will go on to be successful in this new role. Please take a minute to congratulate Mr. Hawkins. He will always be a part of our Viking team and we wish him the best of luck on his new adventure.
Focus on Facilities
There are a lot of amazing things going on throughout our district. Our facilities team has continued to work hard during this past month. They are taking advantage of this time and getting some of their spring projects completed including cleaning walls, painting handrails, and ongoing grounds work. We appreciate their commitment to excellence and doing what it takes to keep our facilities in tip top shape.
A big thanks to our district nurse, Wendy Murillo. She made cloth masks for our staff to wear to ensure that we are following the appropriate protocols and practicing healthy distancing during this time. As school employees, we are considered essential workers and are doing our best to take care of our students, while maintaining our staff health and well being.