May 21, 2023

Focus on the Fabulous
One more week to go! Our seniors are on their senior trip to sunny Arizona! They will be back in time for their graduation next Saturday morning! Exciting times for these students! Speaking of exciting times, we had another week packed full of amazing achievements, fabulous events, and noteworthy accomplishments!
The week started with the end-of-year band concert! Our 5th-grade students, middle schoolers, and high school students performed their hearts out on Monday night with fun tunes from the cartoon universe, from Looney Tunes to the Flintstones!

Mr. Noriega directed the fan-favorite songs with gusto and the audience found themselves singing along to the familiar tunes.

Once again, Javier Ramos- Baca was the Master of Ceremonies and he did an excellent job announcing each piece and the composer.

HS students were awarded their Varsity Band letters as a special acknowledgment for their hard work and dedication to the band program and their musical talents. The night ended in fine fashion with the CCSD fight song! You could hear the team spirit in the air as we all sang along- Blue and White, fight fight! Go Vikings Go!

Tuesday night we honored our high school scholars at the annual High School Evening Awards coordinated and hosted by Adele Alfson. This is always a special night of recognition as our high school students receive awards, scholarships, and academic honors. Ms. Alfson always goes the extra mile making the event a night to remember. We are also very appreciative of our generous donors and organizations that, year after year, attend the event and recognize our students with benevolent awards. Congratulations to all of our high school scholars and a special thanks to our supportive partnership organizations.

Outstanding Junior Boy & Girl – Harold and Margaret Rominger
Colorado Masons - Harold is a past Master and Past Worthy Patron of Bethlehem OES
Order of Eastern Star - Margaret is Past Worthy Grand Matron for the State of Colorado,
Outstanding Junior Boy – Jordan Duran
Outstanding Junior Girl – Arazeliz Garcia

Kiwanis Scholarship – Don &Janet Noland- Leadership and service to the community
Jenice Almeida - $1000
Kamryn Garcia - $1000
Giselle Molina - $1000
Cael Ruggles - $1000
Arleth Villalobos - $1000

Adams State University- Shania Maestas
Jenice Almeida – Grizzly Partner - $3200
Vice President’s Merit Scholarship - $1000
Woodard Memorial Scholarship - $5188
Samantha Arellano - Grizzly Partner - $3200
President’s Merit Scholarship - $3000
Alexia Badachi - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Gerardo Bolanos - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Miguel Casanova - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Molly Chavez - Grizzly Partner - $3200
President’s Merit Scholarship - $3000
Michael L. Lester Scholarship - $665
Porter Scholarship - $1000
Kamryn Garcia - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Kelly Gardea - Grizzly Partner - $3200
President’s Merit Scholarship - $3000
Spud Bowl Scholarship - $1000
Alan Gonzalez - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Daniela Gonzalez - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Mark Maldonado - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Vice President’s Merit Scholarship - $1000
Larry & Janice Reed Scholarship - $3000
Ricardo Maldonado-Chavez - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Roselyn Mejia - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Vice President’s Merit Scholarship - $1000
Karl & Marvel Keck Scholarship - $1500
Giselle Molina Valadez - Grizzly Partner - $3200
President’s Merit Scholarship - $3000
Porter Scholarship - $1000
Grant Hurley Memorial Scholarship - $1500
Joaquin Moreno - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Alicia Pedro-Lopez - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Karl & Marvel Keck Scholarship - $1500
Cruz Reyes - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Cael Ruggles - Grizzly Partner - $3200
President’s Merit Scholarship - $3000
Porter Scholarship - $1500
Larry and Janice Reed Scholarship - $3000
Arleth Villalobos - Grizzly Partner - $3200
Vice President’s Merit Scholarship - $1000

Extended Studies & Concurrent Enrollment – Renae Haslett
Pins for taking concurrent courses through Adams State- Jenice Almeida, Samantha Arellano, Alexia Badachi, Miguel Casanova, Molly Chavez, Kamryn Garcia, Kelly Gardea, Daniela Gonzalez,
Giselle Molina, Alicia Pedro-Lopez, Cael Ruggles,Arleth Villalobos

Migrant Education/CAMP Scholarship – Diana Morales
Approximately $7000- Daniella Gonzalez, Alicia Pedro Lopez, Cael Ruggles, Kelly Gardea, Alan Gonzalez
Society of Women Engineers – Stephanie Archuleta- Outstanding in the areas of math and science
Alicia Pedro Lopez
Alexia Badachi

Principal’s Scholarship – Nicole Neufeld
Samantha Arellano - $500
Cael Ruggles - $500

Viking Athletic Association Scholarship – Nicole Neufeld
Cruz Reyes, $1000
Will Weatherford Scholarship- Cael Ruggles

Outstanding Academic Achievement – Nicole Neufeld/Debra Lujan
3.5 Cumulative GPA- Arazeliz Garcia, Shayla Thompson, Sonya Maez, Cael Ruggles, Samantha Arellano, Kelly Gardea, Molly Chavez, Cheyenne Martinez, Ahyari Fimbres Navarro, Jesus Valadez-Felix, Noah Swanson, Julian Maldonado, Willa Seesz-Sanchez, Jordan Duran, Giselle Molina-Valadez,
Arleth Villalobos, Daniela Gonzalez, Dulce Gonzales-Rodriguez, Mark Maldonado, Ciara Paez, Gia Hammel
Center Educators Association – Ms. Susan Banning's announcement
Valedictorian and Salutatorian will receive a small scholarship

Make A Difference Scholarship – Susan Banning- From Biel Crop Consulting
Kelly Gardea - $500
Jenice Almeida - $350
Alicia Pedro-Lopez - $350
Skeff Scholarship – Carrie Zimmerman
Alexia Badachi - $500
Joaquin Moreno - $500
Daniela Gonzalez - $500
Kamryn Garcia - $500
Arleth Villalobos - $500

McCormick Scholarship – Carrie Zimmerman
Alicia Pedro-Lopez - $1087
Wednesday evening Center School’s first-ever Certified Nursing Assistants were recognized and honored in their pinning ceremony! We had five young ladies who, through hard work and determination, accomplished the goal of becoming CNAs. Congratulations to Willa Seez-Sanchez, Ciara Paiz, Yulisa Maldonado, Arazeliz Garcia, and senior Alexia Badachi for being the first-ever CNA graduates from Center School District! We are proud of you! Thanks also to our district nurse, Wendy Murillo, for her hard work in getting this program in place for our students. It took a lot of time and energy and is a huge accomplishment for our students and our district! Way to go ladies!

Thanks to our amazing nursing team, our district is able to provide these opportunities for our students. Randi Asbell, our district nurse, does an amazing job of providing our students with the supports and services they need.

Randi and Wendi make a great team so that our district can provide comprehensive health and wellness services and education to our students and staff!
How it started....

How it's going...

We have another action-packed week ahead of us! Buckle up for the last week of the school year!
Fast Forward
Calendar Dates
Monday, May 22nd- National Junior Honor Society Ceremony
Tuesday, May 23rd- HS Transition Parent Night
Wednesday, May 24th- MS Awards, 5th Grade Continuation, Kindergarten Continuation, 8th Grade Continuation, Special Board Meeting
Thursday, May 25th- Last Day of School for Students, Field Day, Town Meeting
Friday, May 26th- End of Year Celebration, Last Day for Staff
Saturday, May 27th- CHS Graduation
Monday, May 29th- Memorial Day
Saturday, June 3rd- ARC Graduation