October 31, 2022

Focus on the Fabulous

Happy Halloween! We got the jump on the Halloween festivities last week with some great celebrations. Students and staff had fun for the fall holiday with amazing tricks and treats. It’s pretty impressive to see the talent and creativity of our families, students, and staff and the extraordinary costumes they put together! Check out the great pictures!


Center schools honored its commitment to a drug-free school and community with Red Ribbon Week last week. On Thursday, secondary students had the opportunity to take part in some drug and alcohol prevention activities. Thanks to the Center PD for their support in these efforts.
Our football team ended their regular season with a big win against Trinidad on Friday night with a score of 55 to 6. Great job Vikings! The lady Vikings also had success on the court beating Sierra Grande on Thursday and South Park on Friday! Way to go Vikings!
Fast Forward
Upcoming dates to get on calendars
Monday, Oct. 31st – Happy Halloween, RANDA Self Evaluation Due, R & R meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 1st- Admin. Team Meeting
Thursday, Nov. 3rd- Videographer and Staff Group Pictures, HS Knowledge Bowl
Friday, November 4th - Staff PD
Tuesday, Nov. 8th- Election Day, Superintendent Advisory Council, DAC, Regular BOE Meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 9th- Device Inspection
Thursday, Nov. 17th- Early Release- ICAP/PLC
Nov. 21st- 25th – Thanksgiving Break