October 23, 2022
Focus on the Fabulous
We had a great start to the second semester of the school year. It was a busy week, with our first round of Parent Teacher Conferences taking place. We had a great turnout, especially on Wednesday night. Conferences give parents a chance to meet individually with teachers, ask questions, and understand how their children are performing in their classes. As a district, we work hard to make sure parents feel welcomed and valued as important members in the success of their child’s education.


The leaves are blowing off the trees as there has been a shift in the weather. Our little Vikings were able to enjoy some of the beautiful fall weather this past week before it got too cold.
There were a number of fun activities across the district this past week.
The Sunshine Committee coordinated a door decoration contest for the district. As a result, the hallways are decorated with fun Halloween themes. It was impressive to see the creativity in the buildings. The winners of this year’s Fall Door Decorating Contest were:

· The winner for the Funniest Door is Chris Hintz in the Library.
· The winner for the Most Creative Door is Lindsay Stillwagon in 1st Grade.
· The winner of the Grand Prize is Melissa Rendon in the ARC.

Thanks to everybody who participated and to the Sunshine Committee for putting together such a fun event!

The fifth graders had fun competing with the staff in some exciting volleyball action during the staff vs. 5th event. Haskin students were also recognized for their accomplishments in the first quarter during the awards assembly. Way to go Haskin Elementary!

These students have all earned perfect attendance for the first quarter!
Ninety-six of our students received eye exams this past week and several of our students received two free pairs of glasses. Our nursing team was able to get all of the mandatory screenings for our elementary students completed. Staff also had the opportunity to get the COVID booster shots. Thanks to our awesome nursing team for coordinating all of these health supports for our students and staff.

All students had the chance to attend the Jessie Funk assembly. Jessie takes a research-based approach to teach the importance of making good choices. She gave our students tools they can use in making good choices to ensure they are making the best out of their lives.

Fast Forward
Upcoming dates to get on calendars
October 24- 31st - Red Ribbon Week
Monday, Oct. 24th- Monday- Be Brave, Be Bold, and Be You- Wear Red, ASU President, and VP visit campus
Tuesday, Oct. 25th - My Future is Too Bright- Wear neon or sunglasses
Wednesday, Oct. 26th - Your Choices are the Key to Dreams- Pajama Day, Rural Alliance, Superintendent PLC, District Leadership Team
Thursday, Oct. 27th -Say Boo to Drugs- Halloween Costume, Home Volleyball vs. Sierra Grande
Friday, Oct. 28th- Home Football vs. Trinidad