June 25, 2021
Focus on the Fabulous
Summer school is in full swing and we have elementary and middle school students in classes every morning, getting additional support and instruction in identified areas. Mr. Hagan is the summer school director and he has done a great job of coordinating the elementary and middle school efforts. Things have been running smoothly and we are doing our best to address our students’ needs. We have approximately fifty elementary students and forty middle school students attending summer school to receive additional support in identified areas. Ms. Werner is running the credit recovery summer school program at the secondary level. These classes started the week of June 14th and will run for 8 weeks. This program offers our students some additional options for catching up on credits and getting additional instruction in areas of need. In the afternoons, the Center Viking Youth Club offers fun activities for students to participate in, including various camps and field trips!
The Viking wrestlers were working hard this past week, taking advantage of summer camps, to improve their abilities and refine their techniques. Way to go Vikings!
Even though its summer break, there are still a lot of great things going on in our district.
Rural Superintendent Academy
I attended the first convening of the Rural Superintendent Academy last week in Canon City. The academy is designed to prepare a group of ten Colorado education leaders in strengthening our leadership capacity, and in preparing us for the dynamics associated with relationships among students, families, community, the school board, and staff members. The RSA program is designed to serve as a best practice, pragmatic approach to maximizing district and community stewardship, and is steeped in the belief that exceptional leadership is critical to the long-term success of rural communities. During the first session we focused on the importance of establishing a strong relationship with the Board. We also discussed and shared communication efforts that have been successful in each of our districts. The second day was focused on core beliefs, both personal and within our districts. It was great to get to meet some district leaders from across the state. Our very own George Welsh, along with Alex Carter, both from CEI, are leading these efforts. It’s great to have this opportunity available to us in rural Colorado!
Forward Focus
This coming week we will have a special Board meeting on June 30th. At this meeting, I will be recommending to the Board our committee’s selections for both an elementary Assistant Principal and the Skoglund Middle School principal. Interviews for middle school principal took place on June 9th and 10th. Haskin assistant principal interviews took place on June 24th. I look forward to introducing our new principal and assistant principal after the board meeting.
Our fiscal year comes to an end on June 30th. Betty, JJ, and Alondra have been working hard, putting in extra hours, to wrap things up for the fiscal year. Betty and I have been working on getting next year’s budget ready for approval for the special BOE meeting. We will be presenting the budget for approval Wednesday evening.
June is a pretty busy month in the world of education. As a district, we are wrapping up our fiscal year, submitting end of year reports at the state and local levels, and applying for funds for the upcoming school year.
I took part in the BOCES Executive Director interviews that were held on June 23rd. We interviewed three candidates and the committee made their recommendation to the BOCES BOE> BOCES will be having a special BOE meeting Monday, June 28th, to vote on the recommendation for the new Executive Director. I will share that information as it becomes available.
Hope you are all enjoying some time off. Enjoy your summer and stay safe!