
Once again, there’s been a lot going on! Tuesday, October 13th, we had our second annual Meet and Greet with the Board of Education. Board members came early for the monthly meeting and had a chance to get to meet our new staff while enjoying some great appetizers and good conversation. This event was put on by the R & R team.

A huge thanks to Lupita Ortega for coordinating the food for the event. This was a lot of work and she did a great job putting together tasty appetizers and dessert kabobs for everyone to enjoy. She and Maria Villagomez worked hard putting everything together on the day of the event. Thank you ladies for all you did!

The Board meeting was held in the library, with a number of people joining virtually. Kim Gonzales, our Teacher of the Year for 2019-2020, was formally recognized by the Board. We hadn’t had a chance to acknowledge this accomplishment because of how the school year ended last year, so we wanted to make sure she received the recognition she deserved. We are fortunate to have her in our district, working with our young students, and helping them to develop the necessary skills that will help them move on to the next level.
Our new staff was also introduced formally to the BOE during the meeting.

We are happy to have onboard, Lindsay Stillwagon in 1st grade and Bailey Mondragon in 4th grade.
These two young ladies have been a fantastic addition to our team and we are excited to have them. Denis Zverev is another new teacher in our district. He is a recent graduate of Adams State and he is teaching math at the high school level. We are happy to welcome our newest Vikings!

Parent-Teacher conferences were held for the middle/high on Wednesday. Because of the increase in positive cases, we decided to switch to virtual conferences. Thanks to great teamwork from everybody, we were able to transition smoothly to this format and teachers were able to meet with parents virtually. For those parents who did come on-site, we were prepared with social distancing arrangements in the gym.

We had our first home football game Thursday night. It was a great evening and our boys played hard against Ignacio. Unfortunately, we came up a little short with a final score of 27-18, but our team battled until the end. Our fans were great and practiced social distancing protocols in the stands and around the field in their vehicles. The cheerleaders kept the momentum up throughout the game. Go Vikings!

Focus on the Fabulous
Our food services team continues to prepare fantastic meals throughout the week, despite the challenges that we are facing with the pandemic. Dianna Valenzuela, our food services director, ensures that kids have the required nutrients in every meal. Meals are packaged individually and delivered to classrooms to ensure that we are doing everything we can to keep our kids and staff safe and healthy. Students receive hot breakfasts and lunches and one snack a day. We have just qualified for another program that will allow us to serve an additional snack in the afternoon for our after school programs.

Forward Focus
This week we are kicking off the second quarter. We will have our second round of Parent-Teacher conferences this week. Wednesday, October 21st, will be a regularly scheduled day for students. They will be released at 4:00 pm. Elementary PTC will run from 4:30 to- 7:30 pm. The middle/high will be conducting home visits during that time. Thursday, October 22nd, all students K-12 will have an early release. Students will be released at 12:45 pm. Staff will have work time until 4:00 pm. Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held from 4:30- 7:30 pm.