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Carrie Zimmerman

Focus on the Fabulous

It was another eventful week at Center Schools. Tuesday, December 17th the elementary hosted the annual Gift of Reading night. This is a wonderful tradition where our school family and Center community come together to celebrate the gift of reading. Students and families were treated to cultural performances, listened to favorite Christmas stories, crafted fun Christmas decorations and kids even got a visit from Santa.

The end of the night culminated in the Christmas giveaway. Kids won gift baskets and bicycles, generously donated from some of our wonderful community sponsors, including Dollar General, Power Zone, and the Healthy Schools Successful Students grant.

A big thanks to Mr. Morgan, who did a great job organizing the evening, and all the teachers and staff who stayed late to read stories and support this event.

The following evening, Mrs. Werner hosted the ARC Christmas dinner. Students and families of the Academic Recovery Center gathered for a fun potluck and had the chance to celebrate and eat together.

PICS also held their annual Christmas celebration the same evening. This is the fourth year that they have held their Christmas Community Celebration. The fun event included great food, a visit from Santa, and the hitting of the piñata.

Thursday morning started with the breakfast potluck and the Secret Santa gift exchange.

Ms. Banning and her crew worked hard all morning putting together over twenty Christmas boxes filled with food and gifts for local families. Thanks to Ms. Banning and everyone who volunteered their time to wrap presents, buy food, and deliver the boxes. This is a generous outreach that Ms. Banning takes on every year to make sure all of our families feel the blessings of Christmas during the holidays.

The week ended up with fun times at our annual staff Christmas party. Thanks to Lori Cooper for putting together another great time for all our staff to enjoy. There were fun games, great food, and amazing prizes. We had a super turnout and it was a great way to end the year. Looking forward to seeing everyone back in 2020!

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