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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Zimmerman

Center of Focus

April 25, 2023

Focus on the Fabulous

We have greatness amongst us! Our very own, Susan Banning, was recognized and earned the highest award possible from the Colorado Education Association, the CEA Award! This award recognizes an Association member who has given outstanding service to public education at the state level.

A little bit about Ms. Banning. She has taught for a total of 36 years and 30 of those years have been in the Center School District! Our students, staff, district, and community have benefitted greatly from her selfless attitude and giving efforts. During her second year at Center, she was elected president of the Association and told to attend the Council meeting. On her very first council meeting, she was elected at the San Luis UniServ Unit Membership Cadre to the CEA cadre. The election occurred while she was in the restroom!

Over the last 28 years, Susan has served the Center Education Association (CenterEA) through SLUU, CEA, and the National Education Association. She has served in various capacities and her natural leadership ability has helped her to accomplish many things for the good of public education. Her greatest accomplishment while on the board was the successful bylaw change creating board alternates when SLUU was unrepresented due to a devastating car accident that she was involved in. During her recovery, she missed a total of 3 board meetings. She attended her first meeting five months after the accident in a wheelchair. She didn’t let the accident slow her down and was still able to accomplish some impressive things!

This is the first time in 18 years that a rural educator from the SLV has received this award. This is an amazing accomplishment and pays tribute to Susan’s dedication and hard work over the last three decades. We are proud of you Susan and we are so glad you are a true, blue Center Viking!


Last week I had the opportunity to meet Trever Martinez, our Viking Athletic Association President. I had heard some great things about the positive work the VAA is doing and the plans they have for the upcoming VAA Athletic Banquet.

Through his leadership, a solid, productive board has been established, which includes:

VP- Nicole Neufeld Treasurer- Debra Lujan

Secretary- Teddy Garcia AD- Linda Donaldson

Board Member- Lloyd Garcia Business Member- Kim Duran

Community Member- Ted Ruggles STUCO Representative- Hanna Hays

Coach Representative- Mark Jones

Band/Choir Representative- John Noriega

This team has already done some impressive behind-the-scenes work. The mission statement is #buildingchampions! The first big event for this year will be the athletic banquet, which will be held on May 12th. This will be a time to honor the accomplishments of our student-athletes and coaches! It’s great to see this level of excitement and energy for our Center Viking students, athletes, and scholars!

Thanks to everybody who helped with testing the last couple of weeks. It went amazingly well across the board. I know we are still working on makeups and starting up with NWEA, but the end is in sight.

Hang in there Chris!!! You've almost made it!!!

Fast Forward

This time of year gets a little crazy with everything going on. Below are some of our upcoming events!

Calendar Dates

Monday, April 24th- 4th grade NWEA EOY testing, PDSA Engagement Meeting after school

Tuesday, April 25th- 2nd- 5th grade NWEA EOY testing, CHS Baseball @ Rocky Ford

Wednesday, April 26th- K-5 NWEA EOY testing, Administrative Professional’s Day, PDSA Communication Meeting after school

Thursday, April 27th- K- 5 NWEA EOY testing, Skoglund PDSA Meeting, Haskin Elementary Spring Concert, Payday

Friday, April 28th- CHS Track @ Rocky Ford Invitational

Saturday, April 29th- CHS Baseball @ home vs. Custer County

Monday, May 1st- Blue Green Initiative Meeting

Tuesday, May 2nd- NWEA SMS and CHS, MS Knowledge Bowl Meet @ ASU Wednesday, May 3rd- NWEA SMS and CHS, Rural Alliance Advocacy

Thursday, May 4th-

Friday, May 12th- 2023 CHS Athletic Banquet

Tuesday, May 16th- Master Contract Negotations, Senior Seminar Showcase, High School Evening Awards Wednesday, May 17th- Rockies Merit Trip, CNA Pinning Ceremony

Thursday, May 18th- 8th Grade Class Trip

Wednesday, May 24th- 5th Grade Continuation, Kindergarten Continuation, 8th Grade Continuation

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